Defending the Future: Top 5 OT Cybersecurity Trends

Operational Technology (OT) cybersecurity is at a pivotal moment. With industrial systems becoming increasingly interconnected through cloud integrations and AI, the opportunities for innovation are immense, but the risks are growing just as quickly. Threat actors are adapting, the talent gap in cybersecurity is widening, and critical infrastructure faces challenges that transcend the digital realm. […]
Conducting Offensive Assessments in ICS Environments: A Practical Guide

Industrial Control Systems (ICS) face a host of complex challenges and vulnerabilities in today’s increasingly connected world. Understanding how to protect these systems is crucial for cybersecurity professionals and IT managers who are charged with safeguarding critical infrastructure. Part of this protective effort are offensive assessments designed to identify vulnerabilities and convey impact, which come […]
The Scoop on NERC CIP-015-1 INSM

Internal Network Security Monitoring (INSM) Internal Network Security Monitoring (INSM) is the monitoring of network traffic within a trusted security zone focused on detecting malicious activity. It’s importance to a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy cannot be understated, as it adds to a defense in depth approach in the event that a malicious actor is able to […]
Understanding NERC CIP Compliance: A Comprehensive Guide

In today’s interconnected world, the critical infrastructure that powers our daily lives—energy, water, communications, and more—depends on complex networks of technologies. Among these, the electric grid stands out for its essential role in delivering reliable power to industries, homes, and institutions. In North America, the electric grid is regulated by NERC with the CIP standards […]
Understanding the Differences in OT Cybersecurity Standards: NIST CSF vs. 62443

Operational Technology (OT) environments, such as industrial control systems (ICS), supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), and other critical infrastructure systems, are increasingly at risk of cyberattacks. Ensuring robust cybersecurity in these environments is essential for protecting public safety, economic stability, and sensitive operations. Two of the most prominent OT cybersecurity frameworks are NIST Cybersecurity […]
IT vs. OT Cybersecurity: Understanding the Differences and Overcoming Challenges

In today’s interconnected world, the lines between Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) are increasingly blurring. As organizations rely more on technology to optimize operations, understanding the cybersecurity challenges unique to each domain is essential. This blog post explores the fundamental differences between IT and OT cybersecurity, the challenges each faces, and practical ways […]
Cybersecurity Training and Certifications: Free to Paid

While there are a ton of security education offerings out there, finding the RIGHT cybersecurity training and certification option for your particular goals (and budget!) can be daunting. With a range of options from free resources to costlier certifications, we aim to guide you through some helpful choices available, with a special focus on ICS/OT […]
OT Penetration Testing: Uncovering Vulnerabilities Through Precision Tests

Understanding OT Penetration Testing A penetration test (pen test) simulates a real-world cyberattack to uncover vulnerabilities, validate security assumptions, and assess an organization’s overall security posture. These tests are particularly useful for mature organizations that have a clear understanding of their operational environment. By identifying how easily an attacker could exploit weaknesses and measuring […]
Making the Most of OT Vulnerability Assessments

Maximizing the Value of Your OT Vulnerability Assessment An Operational Technology (OT) vulnerability assessment is a critical step in securing industrial environments by identifying and evaluating potential vulnerabilities and attack paths within networks and systems. This process typically involves leveraging specialized tools to detect known vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, architectural weaknesses, and static analysis of the […]
Running a Successful OT Cybersecurity Assessment

What is involved in an Operational Technology (OT) cybersecurity assessment? Read on for full details….